Mocambo Solera

Distilled from sugar cane produced in the centre – west region of Veracruz´s state at the foot of the Sierra Madre Oriental near the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Veracruz, Mexico; is a place recognized for its humid, tropical weather; which is the ideal climate for sugar cane plantations and spirit ageing. All the water that we use for Mocambo Rum , comes from the Citlatépetl or Pico de Orizaba (highest volcano in Mexico with an altitude of 18,871 ft or 5,730 m above the sea level) and it treated with a reverse osmosis technology.
Mocambo Solera is the perfect combination of Molasses and Sugar Cane Juice to achieve its signature characteristic of perfect balance and smooth flavor.
The sweet notes of Rum Mocambo Solera 6 Years are given by the residual sugars of the distillates of the sugar cane juices and the results of the charring of the barrels.